
Design Philosophy

  • I am a critical thinker who wants to build innovative features.
  • I have strong product intuition and justify my ideas with user needs.
  • I believe in the power of storytelling.
  • I am aware of my commitment to craft.
  • I am shifting from consistency to coherence.

More About Me

Hi, I'm Lola. I am a product designer, working on AI at Google. My mission is to elevate humanity in complex AI solutions.

When I was an undergraduate, I was keen on exploring people’s motivations and emotions, and how the environment affects them. To learn more about different kinds of people and the types of services currently available to them, I undertook a series of volunteer placements and research projects, such as volunteering at Nanjing Psychological Crisis Prevention Center and doing research for depressed undergraduates. I learned how self-reliant and self-empowering tools, such as mindfulness, can help people find a way of reclaiming inner psychological balance. These experiences led me to question how I could understand people better and how I could help them to live more fulfilling lives.

As a designer, I am happy to build innovative features and deliver high quality user experiences. I have extensive experience designing in the digital medium and work with projects involving interaction, wearable, Artificial Intelligence, and e-commerce. I'm very self-motivated and always learning. I am an optimist who’s always trying to figure a way out.

Favourite Books

  • 101 Design Methods
  • Confessions of an Advertising Man
  • Org Design for Design Orgs
  • Information Architecture
  • Meggs' History of Graphic Design


  • Attending design jams and enjoy them
  • Marking my calendars with colourful stickers
  • Drinking coffee to make myself more hyper
  • Overwatering my plants deliberately