Crafting Ads Creative Studio from the Onset

Led the end-to-end design of Ads Creative Studio's ad creation tools. My work streamlined the user experience, leading to positive customer feedback and a 30% weekly revenue increase over 3 quarters.

Ads Creative Studio's Review page


Develop a consolidated platform for all Google’s ads creative tools and asset libraries, targeted and designed specifically for creative users to support their core workflows and facilitate collaboration between creative and media users. This is a cross-org effort between 3 teams: Youtube Ads, Google Ads, and Display Video 360.

Dynamic ads
Customized workflows across channels (video, display, audio). Customized creative is a large investment area. It generates 50% more conversions compared to traditional creative.

Problem Space

There're 3 biggested user pain points:

  • Dynamic workflow is disconnected across multiple platforms
  • Creatives lack visibility into the dynamic strategy
  • Construction, preview and review process is cumbersome

Now, here come the design challenges:

  • How might we create a cohesive experience for creative users?
  • How might we give creative people visibility into dynamic strategy?
  • How might we empower creative users to make ads more easily?

Vision alignment

I led design for a complex enterprise ecosystem, navigating conflicting stakeholder perspectives. A key example was aligning PMs' ambitious vision with engineers' feasibility concerns, resulting in a balanced MVP roadmap and successful development.

Vision alignment

Info Arch

I discovered a key workflow difference between video and display ad users, posing a challenge for a unified design. My research-backed solution prioritized flexibility, leading to a new UX framework that successfully addressed this conflict.

Information architecture

Final design

Template: Establish Swappable Elements for Strategic Ad Personalization


Using a visual-first workflow, users can seamlessly construct and preview ad templates by incorporating various elements and fine-tuning styles. This process allows them to identify which elements can be swapped out. For instance, the base video can be swapped to generate different video variations tailored to specific audiences. The remaining three elements (logo, message, and voiceover) remain constant, ensuring consistency across ad variations. This approach enhances creative users' understanding of the dynamic strategy.

Variants: Unleash Creative Potential with Ease


Users can effortlessly create ad variations on the Variants page. Swappable elements are conveniently displayed on the right panel, empowering brands and creative teams to craft and test unique display and video formats with ease.

Rules: Unravel Dynamic Strategy Complexities


The Rules tab serves as the central hub for advertisers to define their targeting criteria, encompassing factors such as audience type, geographic location, date and time parameters, and more. These targeting signals can then be seamlessly assigned to one or more ad variations

Review: Effortless Quality Control


Finally, the Review tab provides a comprehensive platform for advertisers to meticulously examine ad variations generated based on diverse targeting rules. This centralized review process ensures that the right ad variations are precisely matched to their intended audience.

Cohesive experience

I crafted a cohesive user experience for both video ads and display ads, ensuring a unified brand identity while addressing specific use cases for each format.

Video ads and display ads comparison


After more than a year of hard work, we launched this new platform.

Revenue growth is 30% per week and we received positive customer feedback:

  • General Motors, an auto manufacturer, saw a 56% increase in Google searches and reduced costs by 30%
  • Dutch creative agency Men in Green achieved a 278% higher click-through rate and lowered costs by 64%.

"Among the many benefits of Ads Creative Studio, production time saving and the large amount of videos produced are the ones that we found most impactful."

"Ads Creative Studio is the perfect solution for our challenge. It gives a risk-free environment to build creatives and allows for easy collaboration between multiple designers"

Next project

Redesigning Teambition’s Mobile App

See Case Study